23 дек 2018

B17 battle damage this plane flew home in this condition to it's base the 92nd B

Александр Межаков
Александр Межаков
Александр Межаков
История воздушных войн знает немало случаев, когда самолёты гибли по причине самых ничтожных неисправностей. Тем не менее эпизоды с возвращением «на честном слове и на одном крыле» тоже нередки, и гораздо приятнее удивляться, разглядывая крылатую развалину, доковылявшую до дома, чем обломки, похоронившие под собой экипаж24 августа 1944 года бомбардировщик B-17G «Летающая крепость» с серийным номером 42-31713, принадлежавший 327-й эскадрилье 92-й бомбардировочной группы ВВС Армии США, вылетел на бомбардировку городка Мерзебург в Саксонии. В районе цели находились нефтеперегонные заводы, снабжавшие вермахт бензиномЭкипаж, командиром которого был лейтенант Джон Боско, отправился в вылет в сокращённом составе: из штатных 10 человек на борту отсутствовали штурман и два стрелка. Впрочем, для полётов в плотных боевых порядках это было не так критично. Как и полагается порядочному американскому бомбардировщику, «Крепость» лейтенанта Боско имела собственное имя Snake Hips — что можно перевести как «Змеиные бёдра» — и рисунок с не менее традиционной обнажённой красоткой.


B17 battle damage this plane flew home in this condition to it's base the 92nd B
Видео: B17 battle damage this plane flew home in this condition to it's base the 92nd B Видео: B17 battle damage this plane flew home in this condition to it's base the 92nd B Видео: B17 battle damage this plane flew home in this condition to it's base the 92nd B Видео: B17 battle damage this plane flew home in this condition to it's base the 92nd B Видео: B17 battle damage this plane flew home in this condition to it's base the 92nd B Видео: B17 battle damage this plane flew home in this condition to it's base the 92nd B Видео: B17 battle damage this plane flew home in this condition to it's base the 92nd B Видео: B17 battle damage this plane flew home in this condition to it's base the 92nd B Видео: B17 battle damage this plane flew home in this condition to it's base the 92nd B Видео: B17 battle damage this plane flew home in this condition to it's base the 92nd B Видео: B17 battle damage this plane flew home in this condition to it's base the 92nd B Видео: B17 battle damage this plane flew home in this condition to it's base the 92nd B Видео: B17 battle damage this plane flew home in this condition to it's base the 92nd B Видео: B17 battle damage this plane flew home in this condition to it's base the 92nd B Видео: B17 battle damage this plane flew home in this condition to it's base the 92nd B Видео: B17 battle damage this plane flew home in this condition to it's base the 92nd B Видео: B17 battle damage this plane flew home in this condition to it's base the 92nd B Видео: B17 battle damage this plane flew home in this condition to it's base the 92nd B Видео: B17 battle damage this plane flew home in this condition to it's base the 92nd B Видео: B17 battle damage this plane flew home in this condition to it's base the 92nd B Видео: B17 battle damage this plane flew home in this condition to it's base the 92nd B Видео: B17 battle damage this plane flew home in this condition to it's base the 92nd B Видео: B17 battle damage this plane flew home in this condition to it's base the 92nd B Видео: B17 battle damage this plane flew home in this condition to it's base the 92nd B Видео: B17 battle damage this plane flew home in this condition to it's base the 92nd B Видео: B17 battle damage this plane flew home in this condition to it's base the 92nd B Видео: B17 battle damage this plane flew home in this condition to it's base the 92nd B Видео: B17 battle damage this plane flew home in this condition to it's base the 92nd B Видео: B17 battle damage this plane flew home in this condition to it's base the 92nd B Видео: B17 battle damage this plane flew home in this condition to it's base the 92nd B